Valvula si o valvula no?¿¿

pos eso ke unos me dicen q la valvula de descarga esta bien y otros me dicen k no, k eso solo te tika la presión del turbo cada ves q cambias?¿?¿

hola mario :smiley: la valvula lo k hace es quitarte la contrapresion en la admision k llega a ■■■■■ el turbo,si se la metes,aparte de alargar la vida del turbo y no perjudicarle para nada en su funcionamiento,dejaras a todos mas k flipaos :shock: con su sonido caracteristico pssshhhhh :lol: una vez puesta ya no solo fliparan con tu evo :lol: me cachis mario con la pila de piezas k tienes para el evo hay k preparar tu makina ya¡¡¡¡ tengo ganas de ver tu japo,un saludo :smiley: ah por cierto no solo conseguiras ese sonido y eliminar esa presion de la admision.(hay k tararla correctamente),si no k conseguiras una respuesta mas rapida todabia del turbo no por subida de presion si no por eliminar esa retencion en la admision por medio de la valvula.

realemente cuidadin kn las bov,si coje una q recircule sino pierdes mas q aire qpierdes del colector,yo personalmente llevo la de serie y asi se keda,si algo e aprendido eqs cuanto mas de serie este mas fiable es el coche.

Disculpa, no entiendo mucho si el post es
-O llevar valvula de descarga o no llevarla
-O llevar una recirculatoria o atmosferica

Si es lo primero te digo. ABSOLUTAMENTE NECESARIA

Si es lo segundo. a gustos…

Hay muchisima confusion con esto de la valvula…atmosferica,descarga,recirculada¿¿??? Las dos primeras son lo mismo.
Mejor leete esto que te pongo,es de un tio muy… listo.Te explica los pros y los contras.Y yo estoy con el: Me quedo con la recirculadora.

Should I get blow-off valves or not? Do they really help?

The Great Blow Off Valve Debate:
First of all to understand the functionality and benefits of a blow off valve you have to have a complete understanding of how a turbocharger works. If you don’t understand the basic mechanics of a turbocharger you can forget about trying to understand the benefits of a blow off valve. If you do understand the mechanics of a turbocharger, read on…

An Explanation of Compressor Surge:

The turbine in a turbocharger in its ideal mode is spinning at a very high rate and therefore generating lots of pressurized air that is fed into the OPEN (wide open throttle) intake manifold which translates into more power, but what happens when you take your foot off the gas when shifting between gears? The turbine in the turbo is still spinning at a high rate but now you’ve taken your foot off the gas and the intake manifold is CLOSED. Now the turbine spinning at a high rate and is trying to push out all this compressed air but since the manifold is closed, that compressed air has nowhere to go. What happens next is that the turbine slows down because of this pressure build-up between the compressor and the intake manifold. Since the pressurized air can’t go forward into the engine it heads the wrong way back towards the turbo where it slows the turbine down (compressor surge). After you shift gears and you step on the gas again you want to have the turbine spinning fast so that its producing boost but since you took your foot off the gas and caused compressor surge, it slowed down, so you have to wait for the turbine to “spool up” (spin fast) again. This delay waiting for turbines to spool up is what causes some of the performance degradation that were trying to avoid.

The Blow off Valve:

What if we could figure out a way of eliminating compressor surge? Then the turbine in our turbo would have a much easier time keeping its speed up and we wouldn’t get the lag in power waiting for the turbine to spool up between shifts. Enter the Blow off valve. At that moment in time between shifts when compressor surge is slowing the turbine down we’ll just poke a hole in the tube running between the turbo and the intake manifold and let all that air leak out somewhere. The turbine can keep spinning fast & we’ll have lots of boost when we step on the gas again. We’ll also want to plug up that hole we made because we have a purpose for that pressurized air now, where as when we let off the gas we did not. The blow off valve is a gizmo that’s constantly opening and closing giving you that cool sneeze sound when it “pokes” that hole in the intake manifold tube to keep the turbine spinning fast. We’ve eliminated compressor surge but we did confuse the engine just a bit since the ECU already told the injectors to issue fuel to be used for the air that we’ve now thrown out. Other than that sounds like a good idea right? so what if were running a bit rich for a moment, no big deal. Before you place your order read on…

The Re-circulating Valve… a better idea:

How about instead of poking a hole in the turbo to intake manifold tube and just letting the air leak out wherever it wants to, we could direct that pressurized air somewhere else where we could hold on to it until we need it again? The intake side of the compressor housing (between the intercooler and the turbo) would be a good place wouldn’t it? that way we wouldn’t slow the turbine down and we would have that pressurized air that would have otherwise been thrown out, ready in a really good place when we need it. On top of that eve got still got the correct air/fuel ratio going since we’re not throwing and air out, just moving it from one place to another within the intake system. Instead of having to suck in air for the turbo to pressurize, we’ve got some pressurized air with the correct fuel amount already waiting. Now we’ve got all the benefits of a blow off valve and then some. That’s a re-circulating valve. Let’s all order re-circulating valves then and skip the blow off valves completely. They’re probably gonna cost a bit more than the blow off valves since they work a little better right? Now the big surprise… Re-circulating valves were engineered into the design of your 90+ twin turbo z on the drawing board… you’ve already got them…

In conclusion: You could always disconnect your stock re-circulating valves (which you have to do to install blow off valves) and spend 500-600 bucks for blow off valves and what will you get? better performance? No, basically you do get the cool sneeze sound though you aren’t going to be any faster than you were before (but you might sound like you are). If by chance you are running boost levels that exceed the airflow capacity of the re-circulating valves (~600+ hp?) then you’ve probably spent enough money and have enough experience and knowledge to know where the benefit reverses. For the rest of you who weren’t in the know, I hope I’ve helped you save some time and money…

Por cierto,ningun coche de serie lleva valvula de descarga.Si en cambio la recirculadora

Si esto es lo que tenia yo entendido y me habreis visto defender por ahi, para mi supra en breve ire a por una bosh que usan los saab y porsche de 30€ o por ahi, que la mia ya sera viejecita la pobre :smiley:

el golf gti si q lo ace…y el megan turbo tambien :wink:

Me kedo con la recitulatoria, pero para gustos colores, yo preferiria un escupellamas (muchisimo mas barato y mas espectacular) , antes que el silbido de la Blow-off

el golf gti si q lo ace…y el megan turbo tambien ;)[/quote]

Tu estas seguro de eso? Pero por quer lo dices? Por el sonido de la descarga al cambiar? O es que la has visto?

no he tenido el privilegio de levantar el capo…pero el ruido lo acen…lo confirmo

Estas seguro Piolo? yo he visto los dos coches en movimiento y en ninguno he oido la blow-off :wink:

No me creo que la lleven BOV fotos o bien los esquemas de motor

Oir la descarga es posible. Lo que no creo es que llven blow-off…

yo tampoco he escuxado la valvula de descarga en esos dos modelos ni en ningun motor turbo de serie, pero bueno, a lo ke vamos el sonido de la valvula de descarga a mi me gusta muxo pero mi pregunta es, k si es efectiva, vamos q si me va a alterar el buen comportamiento del motor del Evo por q si es asi, ya pueden dar pol culo a la valvula de descarga. por cierto, FRANK300ZX. no tengo escupellamas pero si tengo un buen escape de alante atras sin catalizadores ni cortafuegos, de inox y las llamas las exa.jejejej por eso kiero el sonido de la valvula,jejeej saludos pa todos.

Oir la descarga es posible. Lo que no creo es que llven blow-off…

Ok Alex, es que pensaba que solo se oia la descarga cuando llevabas la BOV.
Aunque ahora que me acuerdo, creo que habia leido por algun sitio que llevando la recirculada y un cono, se oia la descarga que hacia en la admision. Pero no estoy muy seguro de esto

Vamos a ver:

No es necesario,efectivamente,una blow off para escuchar la descarga. Con un filtro de admision directa se oye perfectamente. A eso se le llama “descargar por admision”

Eso si,no es tan escandaloso como la blow off

amen maxo pienso exactamente lo mismo loq yo digo quna bov no recirculadora es tonteria,si mas mono mas bonito xo tonteria

Una vez puse un post sobre esto y mas de uno casi me come…
Estas en un error Adam!

Esas valvulas o son recirculadoras de gases o son de descarga. En ingles “BOV” o “blow-off” significa descargar,luego una valvula de recirculacion no puede ser una BOV.

Oir la descarga es posible. Lo que no creo es que llven blow-off…[/quote]

justo…lo he oido… :wink: